Telemark ski design

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Telemark ski design

Post by vinman »

I'm working on a design for a tele ski for a female friend. She's a ripping skier and wants a deep day pow ski. She's about 5'9 and 170# of muscle. She's on a ski that's too short IMHO. The Rossi rep put her on a 168 or something. I know tele skis are generally shorter than alpine....but that's not really my question

What do tele skiers think of rocker? I think a rocker tip would be great for tele but how about in the tail? What about Mixed side cut?

My idea for her is a 175cm with widths of something like 134/108/122. Tip rocker with mixed camber and sidecut.

Anyway give me your opinions on tele ski design when it comes to mixed camber and side cut options.
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Post by PTTR »

I am 185 and like my skis to be the same or longer. In deep snow the back foot tipp has a tendesy to sink in. I compensate with a really backlean position (if in speed) or not very deep turns if my legs are hurting from too much backleaning.

I would go for early rise, and softer tipps then alpine skis. I am doing that with my new design. I have also moved the sidecut on the outer edge forward 5 cm but keep the same radius and cut of the tail on that side too to make it sink in easier. But I think of mine as more all mountain than stricktly powder. I don't think that the sidecut bit is very importent if you build a ski for powder only.
Most tele skiers are used to ski on alpine skis, I am, so I think I will have to get used to this design to like it but in my head it makes total sence.
I have also been playing around in my head with the idea of making twisted skis for telemark use. Lots of early rise on the outer edge and camber/flat inner..?

Here is a picture of my new template. 145-105-135 (but cut off so it is less now)

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Post by rockaukum »

Aporx 185#. Normally make skis at 176 is in length. Last powder skis were longer in the 185 - 188 range. The 185 had a standard side cut, no camber and a small amount of rise tip and tail. Skied great however it did not skin very well. I think you need camber for that to improve. Next ski had camber early rise tip and tail (small amount) and a reverse side cut in the tip. Really enjoy it as the ski skis like a smaller length ski. Have not had the opportunity to do any skinning as conditions are not the greatest (safety issues with weak layers).
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Post by feldybikes »

As a 1/2 time tele, 1/2 time alpine skier who hasn't skied *that* many different skis, but has skied the same ski mounted alpine and tele, my opinion is that a ski is a ski. If you like rocker, you should like it regardless of the binding that you have. I know some tele skiers don't like tail rocker because of the so-called "wheelie" effect, but I've got a pair of homebuilds with pretty substantial tail rocker and I haven't noticed anything bad about 'em, just that they turn much quicker than their 188 length would suggest. Didn't get a good deep day on 'em all season with the crappy snow we've had. Still a chance for a good pow day in April, though!
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Post by barnboy »

I would go wider, rather than longer... the 5D shape (DPS, S7, etc...) isn't the best idea for a true POW specific pair, so I'd stick with a traditional side cut, but go ahead and rock out the tip and tail, if you can. Also, you can blow out the radius a bit for a true pow ski, don't be afraid of the 30s!

Tele skiers take to rocker just as well as the rest of us 2 plankers do. I had a pair of real fat, rocked-out tele skis for girls at a local place here in the East all season, and even with the lack of snow they went over really well.

I'd keep some camber underfoot (sounds like you're already planning on this), and probably go with a flat ended tail rather than rounded off, but that's just me.

Cool thing is, you're making them for her, so she's going to be psyched, but it is nice to actually develop what your friend, is looking for. Good luck man, have fun!
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Post by vinman »

She's going with tip and tail rocker on a 173 cm ski. Front rocker of 30 cm with a 7.5 cm rise, tail rocker of 25 cm with only 3.5 cm rise, 118 running length with 4mm of camber. Dimms will be something in the range of 124/132/110/122/116. Tail will get squared off for the ease of skin application.

Thanks for the input all.
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