Archived articles from

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Moderators: Head Monkey, kelvin, bigKam, skidesmond, chrismp

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Head Monkey
Posts: 310
Joined: Sun Jul 17, 2005 4:53 pm
Location: Carnation, WA

Archived articles from

Post by Head Monkey »

You've probably noticed that while the forum works, there is no content at All the how-to's, articles, etc. are missing. This stuff wasn't restored with the forum last year because the owners want to redo that content and update it.

Until then, you can find the old stuff in The Wayback Machine, i.e., the Internet Archive. Here is the last decent snapshot of the site on 2018/11/01, before it started to degrade: ...

Here is the direct link to the How To section: ... com/howto/
Everything I know about snowboard building, almost: MonkeyWiki, a guide to snowboard construction
Free open source ski and snowboard CADCAM: MonkeyCAM, snoCAD-X
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