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What to make next?

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 5:08 pm
by MontuckyMadman
I have made a 20meter turn radius standard tip taper 181 cm and 164 cm ski similar to a K2 Mt baker. Early rise tip. 88mm waist.

A all mountain 99mm waist with a 40 meter sidecut like a legend pro. Early rise. 188cm and 169cm

A oversize 118 mm underfoot all mountain twin with earlyrise. ~45 ish meter sidecut. 186cm

A spatuloid ski similar to the dps 138-multipoint 4 dim ski. With rocker of course. 192 cm center mount.

A long multi sidecut long taper tip ski similar to the dps 120-Lots of rocker. 186cm ~ 45ish meter sidecut.

A ski similar to the K2 Sidestash- 25ish meter sidecut early taper tip with rocker. 185cm and a 165cm

A multi point S7 type ski with sidecut, 4 dim ski and long taper tip and tail with rocker fore and aft. 188cm-This ski looks and feels really awesome and I have yet to get it on snow.

I am mainly concerned with soft snow performance as you can tell from the quiver laid before you.

Whats next?

I have JJ similar symmetrical long taper shapes but I don't land switch really.

Some Full taper tip to tail pontoon shapes and some full inverse sidecut stuff but I think this is covered with the 138 type thing.

The only thing I can think is a early taper 33 ish meter turn radius ski similar to the Nick greener pro.

Every time I make a ski its totally different, different camber and rocker and flex and wood. I like to try new stuff.

Other than that, maybe go back to the drawing board on these shapes and refine flex pattern.

Other shape suggestions I am missing that's ground breaking and new that I missed?

I don't ski moguls or inverted aerials or even hard snow really.


MM :evil:

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 11:27 pm
by falls
Sounds like a full reverse sidecut reverse camber ski is about the only thing you haven't tried.
Otherwise you could try and make the fattest ski ever made, just because you can.

The industry seems to be centred on these S7/JJ/billygoat type skis at the moment, but they are yet to get a really strong following in the general skiing community. Maybe refining your designs like this would be a good idea.
It seems it is actually really hard to be innovative with skis and that's why when someone comes along with a new concept like rocker or 5 dimension skis it is really amazing that they could make skis so much better when all they had to work with was an edge shape and a profile.

I reckon the other area you could look into is core material. Maybe wood/foam combinations and the increased use of carbon to make really light touring skis.

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 7:42 am
by OAC
How about a speed ski? :)
2,5 meter and no radius and made of lead

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 3:40 pm
by skidesmond
I have a couple of ideas I've been kicking around.... They're 1/2 baked and probably never get fully baked.... But here goes.

Ever see the hole in the ski tip by Fischer on their racing ski? Well I'd like to make the hole useful and make it as a bottle opener for the ultimate apres ski. :D I've tried a couple simple prototypes and I was surprised of the amount of force it takes to open a bottle, so the ski tip has to be durable, will need metal in the layup.

Another idea is to make a left and right ski. I know, why would some one do that? Check out for his explanation of his designs. But my idea is to have the tip and tail cut back on the uphill ski. Or instead of a cut back like scottybob make the curve of the tip/tail on angle so you get 2 different turning radii. The uphill ski would have a slightly smaller turning radius than the downhill ski.

The bottle opener ski has a chance of getting made. The other requires making new tip/tail blocks for the press, for starters.

Wacky enough for you? :D

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 10:57 am
by sammer
I'm still kicking around the idea of a straight ski 130 130 130 or something.
Early rise (slight rockered tip and tail) flat or slight camber.
Strictly pow.
Stiffer than a Pocket Rocket, softer than Explosives (haven't quite worked that out yet ) :?

New job with psycho hours doesn't give me much time to build these days. :(
Hope to get the wifeys' skis together by the end of my next set off!


Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 7:12 pm
by MontuckyMadman
I'm thinking of trying to find an ultra hard UHMW base that I can bond. So I can ski when its like 30% rocks. Early season. They could be true rock skis.

The worst thing about hitting rocks is how it slows you down drastically because the sharp rocks cut the plastic.
What if I sacrifice something in snow performance but gain resistance to base damage against rock gouges?

How would I get that type of hardness of plastic and thinness of plastic in small qty?


Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 5:02 am
by baumannuli
nidacore is a epoxy honey comb board that is extremely light and strong(a 4
"x 5'x12' might weigh 3lbs). i used this in making boats, and wonder if it will work as a core. i think it will. :idea:

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 2:22 pm
by gketcham
You could try a poppy responsive, well carving symetrical jib ski. Of the companies that make these, few of them are done extremely well. It could help the landing switch dillemma. I have been thinking of this as well. maybe like 145-100-145 poplar and bamboo.

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 9:21 pm
by MontuckyMadman
gketcham wrote:You could try a poppy responsive, well carving symetrical jib ski. Of the companies that make these, few of them are done extremely well. It could help the landing switch dillemma. I have been thinking of this as well. maybe like 145-100-145 poplar and bamboo.
Thats a great idea. I don't know allot about this type of board. Wat current makes should I look at as "good" examples?