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"yester-years" (as read in one thread)

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 12:55 pm
by OAC
Since some of the threads in the forum are heating up. And my builds are going very slow for the moment. I post this.

I was visiting my dad last weekend and hanged around in the garage and found these:

They are heavy, stiff and very long! Specs: 50 - 49.99999 - 50, R=indefinitely
I don't know how I could get my parents to buy these? I'm still somehow ashamed :oops:
I think I only skied them for a couple of weeks one season! Actually they look almost new.
This was over 30 years ago...."The times they are a-changing"

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 2:44 pm
by skidesmond
Ah yes old school skis! We have a new category in our Wednesday night racing/beer league. It's the "old school" class. It's for anyone who wants to race on straight skis, having the old boots is a plus. Those skis would be perfect for that!

I remember the "Red Sleds" as we called them. Atomic skis like yours only red. They were supposed to be the balls back in the early 80's.

Dare you to ski on them this year! :D Definitely turn some heads. ;)

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 3:26 pm
by sammer
I've got a pair similar to that down in the dungeon.
Head 210cm. They were super-G skis from around '79 or '80.
I'll try to post up a pic one day soon.
I think about skiing on them again from time to time but I'm a little worried that I don't know how to ski like that anymore. Shaped skis have spoiled us all :?
I used to love doing huge GS turns on them. You had to be going 60kph+ to get them to turn, any slower you couldn't generate enough energy to bend them into a turn.
They are super heavy with 2 thick layers of metal.
And very stable at speed iirc!

I also still have my K2 244mid 185cm. My bump skis!
I wanted those skis so bad after I broke my PREs.
I saved up all my dishwashing money (after school job) to buy them. That was probably '78 or '79.
Damn I am getting old :(


Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 4:20 pm
by skidesmond
I had a pair of the Dynamic VR17 201cm I bought back in early 80's (1982?). I loved those skis. About 8-9 years ago I dug them back out of the basement and got them ready for a night of racing for kicks and giggles. Got them all cleaned up, de-rusted the edges, waxed them. I cleaned the bindings etc.

I adjusted them for my newer boots and went to step into the binding (Salomon 727 black) and the spring blew out the back of the binding! Had no idea what happened. Just heard something ping against the wall. Then noticed a hole in the heel of the binding. That was the end of them.

If I knew what I know now I would have mounted another set of bindings and went for it. As it turned out they went to the dump. :(

My first brand new skis (real skis, not from the dept store) were Hexcel 185cm must have been around 1977-78. Actually bought 2 pair. The first pair got stolen 1 night. Only skied on them once. Kept the 2nd pair for awhile. Took them to Tuckermans.

Ok.... I'm starting to ramble on about the old days.... :)

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 9:17 pm
by OAC
It's fascinating that the experience are the same all over the world!
sammer wrote:
They are super heavy with 2 thick layers of metal.

:) wonder why? I think I had that on almost every ski until '85 or so. I actually bought my las pair of skis in '94! Head, I will post picture of those. They almost got me out of skiing! I was barely skiing thru the 90's. It wasn't until 2002 I was enlightened with carving and short and light carving skis. I saw the light again! :)

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 3:41 am
by skidesmond
...... I was barely skiing thru the 90's. It wasn't until 2002 I was enlightened with carving and short and light carving skis. I saw the light again! :)

So true! I teach at the local ski area and we get quite a few parents who skied in their younger days and now are getting back into the sport. For many it's their first time on shape skis and they love 'em. A lot less work and a lot more fun!

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 8:02 am
by OAC
Yeah, and it looks like we can go on a couple of more years! With own skis!