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Any board builders in the B.C. Canada neighborhood?

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 2:28 am
by kungpowd
I am a loooong time lurker and brand new member.Just curious if there were any board or ski builders in the B.C. or surrounding area's that would care to bulk order materials in the future,like heat blankets ,vds,edges,topsheet and base material and all.Perhaps share some idear'z over a beer er cup o joe, if possible.I know this is not the place for such a post,but i figured it may see the most traffic.I won't post in the wrong place again. Thanks

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 11:21 am
by sammer
Where in B.C. are you?

I know someone on here (can't remember who) was from Golden.
Thinking redbull was from Vernon?
I know there was at least one from Whistler /Squamish.
It's a damn big province.

I've got enough materials to last me a while.
At least until I get a garage!


Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 2:37 pm
by skibum
I'm in Whistler. I will need to order a few things soonish. I normally ship it to Sumas then bring it over myself.
Where do you live?