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Section8 2011-2012

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 4:06 pm
by skidesmond
Well after a long hiatus I have 2 sets of skis in the works for some friends. The first is 178cm 130-86-116, 3-12.5-3 all maple core. Using ash veneer as tip spacers. 2 pieces give 3 mm thickness. Much easier than trying to shape the entire tip to 3mm. Let you know how it works out. Top sheet will be recycled teak. The other ski is 152cm 127-80-109, 3-10-3. Used douglas fir down the center and cherry for the side walls. Also using ash veneer for tip spacers. Top sheet will be penguins if I can find the material at Joannes. Made both cores today.

Both skis will be traditional layups. I like the 178cm layup and may make the same ski for myself in an all wood lamination (maybe cork too?) and poly-u glue w/ a ptex base.

Stay tuned.

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 10:07 pm
by OAC
Good SD!
Beware of the weight and stiffness on the 178's. How much FG and how long will you make the binding area?
I went over the limit with these:
Way too heavy!

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 2:57 am
by skidesmond
The binding area is about 20in (50cm). I'll be using 20 oz triax FG. I'll weigh the cores today. The 178's are for the father, 152 for his daughter. He's an expert skier but I'm guessing he weighs in around 165lbs tops. Maybe I'll shave the core down a bit. I'll give it some test flexing later tonight.


:idea: OAC you gave me an idea. Maybe I should conduct a test on the core, like I did on the 'Epoxy vs Poly-U Glue" tests. Test core flex before layup by suspending a weight at boot center, then test again after the ski is completed, note the change. This could give a general idea/insight on how much stiffer a ski will be.

I know I have a spreadsheet that somebody did (Idris maybe?) the was called something like Flex Predictor. Maybe I should re-visit that first. Ok, now I'm rambling.....

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 5:28 am
by OAC
50cm! I'm using 35cm.

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 5:59 am
by skidesmond
Doh! You're right, 35cm. I measured the planer crib and the binding areas is 14in (about 35+cm). That's what I get for trying to recall from memory. The 50 is 50mm set back I use for boot center.

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 6:51 am
by OAC
I will try a new core profile for my OAC-8's. I will actually move the binding area a little bit forward. Not long, just a couple of cm. The last pair was too soft in front. I will also stop at 3mm. I will follow your tests.

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 9:50 am
by Richuk
Here you go SD! ... =top+sheet

If the sheet is not available via the links, send me an email.

If you are looking a monitoring you core dimensions, you might find it interesting to look at this site: , or search 'EI machine' it might give you a few ideas.

This is interesting too - you just need to find a force cell (take the one from the kitchen scales)

When the site is updated, who knows, it might even include plans for one of these : )

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 2:16 pm
by skidesmond
Thanks Rich. I found the excel spreadsheet on my pc. I knew I had it some where. Now that I have some experience, the numbers mean a little more to me now.

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 6:01 pm
by skidesmond
The guy I'm making the skis for stopped by the other day to see the shop. Showed him the cores for him and his daughter. Gave him a brief "this is how I make skis". Talked a lot of ski talk. Decided his core should be thinner, 3-10.5-3 . Spent this evening shaving 2 mm off with a belt sander and hand plane. A LOT OF WORK! If i thought it was going to be that much work I would have set up the planer and planer crib and run them through a few times. Lesson learned. I'll do some fine tuning tomorrow. Hopefully press 1 pair this weekend.

Penguin top sheet for the girl:

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 7:45 pm
by Brazen
If I was a penguin, I would learn how to eat other penguins or steal their food. Have you seen those guys get tossed in the air by killer whales and eaten by sharks?!? If I was a penguin there's no way I'm gettin' in that water, it's like "I can't feel my legs" or "Is that a great white"? No way, I'm havin' whatever that is you just gurged up, btw do you taste like chicken?. Thank you.

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 10:32 pm
by OAC
Penguins, that was a new one!

Question: Why don't icebears eat/hunt penguins?

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 2:55 am
by skidesmond
LOL. Yea and who wants to wear a tuxedo 24x7? You'd think they'd wear bathing suits once in awhile.

OAC - I give up, why?

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 5:51 am
by OAC
Icebears lives on the north pole while the penguins still hanging on the south pole! Bad joke, I know! :D

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 7:14 am
by skidesmond
OAC wrote:Icebears lives on the north pole while the penguins still hanging on the south pole! Bad joke, I know! :D
lol, that would be a long way for a meal.

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 2:35 am
by skidesmond
I had planned on pressing the penguin skis yesterday but got interrupted by the day job (on the weekend no less :evil: ). I was able to get all the materials cut and ready for pressing hopefully today, so the day wasn't a total loss.