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DEVO board shapers - Nothing to do with skis (yet).

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 3:45 pm
by dbs
A little bit different, but thought it might be of interest to a few on here..[url]

We have been using this site, and you guys.. as reference for the past 4 years or so. Truly stoked with the advice you guys are willing to share! Thanks.

We are based in NZ! The initial plan was to sell enough skateboards to afford to get the bases/edges/topsheets sent over from the States and Germany.. And to try and build some skis.

Minorly (majorly) underestimated how difficult longboards were to build, using a sustainable and repeatable method, mainly due to the rail to rail concave combined with the lengthwise camber.
But we got there, and we have our steel edges, the profiling table is under construction, and the bank balance is waay to healthy(i.e. almost back at the level it was before we started..) Well until tomoro when it all gets blown at Isosport, Crown or Millerstudios!

Heres a few pics (bet you cant guess where we got the press idea from ;) )





Apologies for the fb links, will put a photobucket set up on the to do list..
Will keep you posted if (when!) we manage to make anything of the skis over the next few weeks.

Thoughts welcome .
Cheers Ben :)

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 6:51 pm
by knightsofnii
love that carbon base layer, and LOVE the rainbow colored press!!!
that has Rainbow Brite and My Little Pony written all over it!!! LOL