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What is this guy putting in his skis?

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 2:31 pm
by backyardskier
I need it, what do you guys think of it ?

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 6:48 pm
by sammer
Probably pretty similar to thisstuff.

Corn starch and water. ... xperiment/

Idea's been around for a while. Gotta say it might work as the new magic damping everone is hoping for.


Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 8:48 pm
by sammer
This MIGHT work in a layup.

Just a thought. If anyone tries it please let us know!!!


Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 9:15 pm
by twizzstyle
Sorry to say I am very skeptical. The skis still look like they flop around as crazy as any other ski out there. Looks like a lot of marketing hype to me (and their prices match their hype, yikes). Hyper damping? Ok...

So how is it put in the ski? Are they just using a super doughy epoxy? Or does it go in as a sheet?

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 3:47 am
by skidesmond
Visually it doesn't look all that different in action than a normal ski. I saw a video/tutorial on his skis on the internet. I think he cuts a channel in the core and lays a couple of strips in. I wonder how well you can bond a goopy substance like that into a layup so it won't delam in that area.

It seems to work well with a sudden blow and I know materials like that are used in padding for sports like mtb in knee, shoulder, chest protection.

In a ski you have more minor deflections and bending, so I wonder how much the material is doing its job.

I did a search on the stuff a month or so ago. Not sure what his stuff is made of but I did find a site that uses fine silica and polyethylene glycol in a mixture, applied to kevlar and made the kevlar bullet proof and prevented a knife from piercing the kevlar. I'm sure some could make a batch and do some R+D and T+E testing.

Here's some info on liquid armor;

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 8:11 am
by agiocochook
Don't know if it was similar stuff, but back in the 70's there was a ski (Graves?...) with a "self-healing" topsheet.


Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 8:42 am
by barnboy
The stuff in the Renoun skis is d30. Those Renoun guys are really cool, and the skis are nice too. We had a pair in the shop at Mad River Glen all year last season. Some folks loved 'em, others, eh... pretty much like every other pair of skis. Some folks were told about the special stuff inside, others not, exactly NO ONE mentioned that the skis seemed more damp. That is not to say the skis weren't damper than others, but rather that it wasn't overtly obvious.

I spent a few days on them myself and thought the build was good, and the product was pretty solid for an early stage new small ski co. I was not super aware of a big increase in dampening, but between skis/boots/bindings/ankles/knees I'm not too sure how much discernible difference there might be between any modern pair of camber-underfoot sticks. I'm almost positive they were running Marker Demo binders on 'em, which is a pretty light weight plastic-y, break-apart binder, so there is a chance the increased dampening properties of the sauce gets lost in the binder? Not sure.

I did find the skis to be full of potential energy though. Keeping them on the snow was definitely something I had to focus on. I'm guessing this was far more a result of the design/layup then the special sauce. The head of the company told me they were park/freestyle oriented sticks, so they nailed the performance angle. They were tons o' fun.

Des is pretty on as far as the layup process. I talked shop with the guy quite a bit, but never specifically about the actual implementation of the special sauce. They've got a patent on the stuff as far as its use in skis/boards and it def seems like a work in progress anyhow.

Pretty sure that protective padding in the MTB world uses the same stuff? Not too sure it's a game changer, but surely a nice option for folks and excellent purchase motivation.

Here's an article from last season about Renoun: ... id=2452739