Touring-Freeride progress

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Touring-Freeride progress

Post by Tallguy »

Hi people,

I've started building ski's during the covid lockdown.
I use a 100 year old wood press from my family's wood working business, that I've adapted and reinforced.
To date I have build three pairs.
Always learning from the previous one and using the same shape (140-107-130, 193 cm) but different compositions.

- The first one had a core shift during pressing (forgot the dowels) and was too heavy (3,2 kg/ski)
I didn't pay enough attention to the composition of the ski that time :? . It was not skiable but became a beautiful wall hanger.

- The second one came out fine.
I used a T-shirt press for the sublimation graphics onto the PA-topsheet.

On my instagram page you'll find pictures and a construction video. (10 min)

- The third one started off as a carbon version, it came out great... but after pressing I realized that the carbon was bi-axial instead of tri-axial, so it had way too much flex. I didn't want it to go to waste, so I stripped the top right up to the core, strengthened it with carbon tape and included a Wengé veneer.

Both ski's were tested at a indoor ski facility and performed well, each with their own character.
Before going to the Alps this winter for a proper test, I'll have is a second attempt at the carbon version and also at a new ski shape (slalomstyle, 120-68-106, 173cm).

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Re: Touring-Freeride progress

Post by chrismp »

Nice one on saving the carbon ski! That's the right spirit. On my first snowboard I made the exact same mistake...built it with 600g +/-45 fibreglass with no fibers on the 0 axis whatsoever. Was a total noodle but still kinda fun to ride at slower speeds.
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