Materials: Tipfill and Base

For non-commerical sales of materials, equipment, and resources related to ski/snowboard building

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Joined: Thu Jun 06, 2019 8:53 am
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Materials: Tipfill and Base

Post by Thelongride »

I’ve ended up with some surplus materials, thought I’d put them up here if anyone has interest. Pricing should be a little less than 1/2 price from US materials suppliers.

Located in Redmond, WA. Willing to ship as well(I’ll have to get a quote from UPS).

3 rolls available: Crown uhmw tipfill 2mm thick x 330mm width, 52m roll length, color pms 186c red. Pricing $520full roll

1 roll available: Crown uhmw tipfill 2mm thick x 330mm width, 26m roll length, color black. Pricing: $260full roll

1 roll available: Crown 4001 uhmw base 1.4mm thick x 330mm width, 101.5m roll length, color sea blue $850full roll

Shoot an email to thelongride2 at if interested
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