MNKY Vagabonds

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MNKY Vagabonds

Post by MNKY.DomDom »

Hey awsome comunity of ski builders, I'm an university student from Québec, Canada and I finished my first pair of handmade skis. Everything was made out of my hands and tools. No use of CNC or any automatization process. Here is a little recap/specs of the build. Enjoy!!!

I started this project in 2019 as a way to spend some free time and learn how skis where made. After trying to make a press, I realized I had neither the right tools nor the knowledge to realise this project. I studied the subject for a year and got myself better tools. In 2020 I started over again and made a press. I then bought the base layer material and edges to make the first step of the build which went well. I then contacted an experienced woordworker who gave me informations on what type of wood to use. For what I needed (soft and durable) a mix of poplar and beech was the best option. This is what I went with. I then proceeded to make the strips and glued them together to make the core layer. While trying to taper the tips and tails, I realized that the tools I had where still not great, plus I was working outside and It was getting cold because of winter so I set the project on pause. When I came back to my school in presential (2021) I realized I had access to an anwsome woodworking shop (great tools and heated). I brought back my materials and went back to building my skis. With school work, it took more time that I expected finishing it, but hey, sometimes it's good to take the time to do things correctly. Over 2022 and 2023, I was able to press down my skis, paint them, put a protective layer on top, mount the bindings and shred them. They work perfectly fine, but I know what are the small adjustements I need to do when I will start my next pair.

Here are my handmade skis: MNKY Vagabonds, 180 cm, 115 mm underfoot, rocker/camber/rocker, fish tails, 100% wood core, Marker Griffons 13 Bindings.


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Joined: Sat Dec 01, 2012 8:59 am
Location: Sonthofen

Re: MNKY Vagabonds

Post by pmg »

Nice Skis - I wish my first pair looked like this. Or even more, skied properly :)
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