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testride, babe!

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 12:37 am
by plywood - testing wrote:There's only one real way to test your homemade skis: ride them and ride them hard.
and so i did!

finally it snowed a bit here. sadly just about 20-30cm in my homeresort. because it was warm and rained up to the top the last days/week under these 30cm of snow there was...nothing :? just grassland. more or less. but later more.

well, it had powder. and powder has to be ridden, especially with new skis designed for powder :D so after the first 2 turns on the slopes i left them for offpist.
and they performed great! all my hopes, expectations and calculations seemed to work!
i can not say what exactely caused all the good characteristics of these skis... but they floated easily, the tips stayed on top in every matter what i did, they didn`t dive! for normal powder riding i just had to "lean back" a little bit - i guess this is because of the width of the ski and the lenght/bending of the tip
they turned so quick! if you wanted to, you could do very narrow turns by "sliding" with the back of the skis through the powder (it`s hard to describe this) well, drifting with the back was generally very easy to do, and it was still controllable - i suppose that this effects are caused by the relatively long and wide gap in the swallowtail.
but on the other hand they were also very stable with higher speed! on the afternoon i rode tracked powder, and it felt like untracked one. they just flew through it - this could be the result of the relatively high stiffness of the ski.
an other advantage of these skis is the weight. compared to the volant machete i rode bevore the feel much lighter. i recognised, that weight has a big effect to your riding skills. for small cliffs/bumps you just had to jump a bit and the skis left the ground. it was so amazing!

so overall they were so much fun to ride and easy to handle in nearly all conditions. they even felt in control when everything was in fact a bit out of control :D

they just had one disadvantage: on very hard and icy slopes i recognised something strange. if you try there a turn, it happens sometimes, that the skis begin to vibrate. so if your orthoganal to the trajectory of the hill and you give some pressure on the edge it can happen, that the edges grip - lose grip - grip etc. and this causes some "vibrations" and flaps which can bring you to fall. i guess this happens like this: my skis are stiff, so the edges grip mainly on tip an tail where the skis have the widest area. so if the edges grip there, the ski kind of wraps torsional. because of this the edges lose grip. then the ski "wraps back" to the normal position and the edges grip again etc. what do you think about this?

well, and now to the grassland under the 20-30cm of snow. unfortunately there were also some hidden rocks under the snow. and in the afternoon one son-of-a-bitch-rock wanted to kill my base. so he hid under a bit snow, just enough for beeing invisible, sharpened his teeth and waited for my base to dash along. and then he showed his ugly face!

here the result:
well...maybe you see the little scratch on the second pic :? hehehe well, i think i have to repair something, right?
i suppose that the area around the edges is a bit more sensitive on this ski because i just sanded the edges before glueing and forgot to clean them with some chemicals...but even if it hadn`t this weakness the base would look terrible - it really was a bad rock!

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 5:45 am
by RoboGeek
It finally snows and rocks go on the rampage. Hope you can gt it fixed up ok

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 6:26 am
by Lennard
don't worry, i was riding elan gsx fusion this winter. they had a good grip but many times they started to shake me.
first time it snows in Gelsenkirchen this winter! But we have no hills :(

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 6:18 am
damn thats a pitty too. you may have to carefully cut away a rectangular section of the base and then clean it up and apply more ptex. bummer tho.

At least they performed to please tho! lol

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 9:16 am
by bigKam
plywood: congrats, and i'm glad they worked and even skied well...
too bad about your bases, but you can fix them.

here's how i test my skis sometimes:


. if you try there a turn, it happens sometimes, that the skis begin to vibrate. so if your orthoganal to the trajectory of the hill and you give some pressure on the edge it can happen, that the edges grip - lose grip - grip etc. and this causes some "vibrations" and flaps which can bring you to fall. i guess this happens like this: my skis are stiff, so the edges grip mainly on tip an tail where the skis have the widest area. so if the edges grip there, the ski kind of wraps torsional. because of this the edges lose grip. then the ski "wraps back" to the normal position and the edges grip again etc. what do you think about this?
i experience this too...and you have a possible explanation...

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 1:40 am
by plywood
well, my pc really sucks. so i`m typing this post for about the 3th time because it got lost the two times before. :evil:

repairing the skis was no problem, workload of 3h and 24h curetime.

on friday i went skiing with a friend of my parents. very small resort, just 2 t-bar lifts. they opened just in the afternoon because the weeks before they had to close down everything due to lack of snow. but on friday they got about 30cm of fresh snow - and they didn`t track any slopes. so we could ride powder the whole afternoon long because we were nearly the only people skiing there :D


well, this friend of my parents did some skiacrobatic back in the early days, so he really knows how to ski. he showed me some tricks and gave me some tipps to improve my skiing skills, so it was great fun. i also told him about the flaps and vibrations.

and he could explain me everything. the effect works pretty much how i described it. but now to the "why it happens?!": it`s not a fault in the construction of a ski, but in the skiing technic. it occurs when you try to force the ski in a too narrow turn for your radius. kind of if you try to slide a tight turn but put too much pressure on the edge. then they grip, the lateral forces are too big, the ski winds torsional and the edge loose their grip, so they are not under pressure any longer, the ski relaxes by snapping back, the edges grip again etc.
so it is very important to keep the lateral forces as small as possible during skiing. you can avoid the vibrations and flaps in two ways: either you really slide your turn, then you have to put less pressure on the edges, or you really carve a turn. if you want to carve it, you have to let the ski run it`s radius. i hope i could explain this :)

well, and on sunday i went out with my rides again. and it was great again! i really recognized the advantages of skis and poles: to get to untracked powder you had to traverse a very flat way. so all the guys with snowboards couldn`t ride it, they had to walk or to traverse further down and lost the untracked top of the hillside. but with skis it was no problem! and also in the powder my skis were superior to the snowboards :D
so i`m hoping to get soon someone filming my riding to demonstrate you that my skis really rock the hell out :D

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 4:02 am
by Idris
Sounds like you made some super boards from the get go. Well done Plywood, enjoy the learning curve of big skis ;)

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 7:27 am
by RoboGeek
thats a cool little ski area there!

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 1:25 pm
by plywood
dear fellow skibuilders.

you can`t imagine how much i worked my balls off - just to get you a short video of me riding.
first of all i was alone out there - so i had to film myself which is kind of time consuming and difficult to do.
secondly i had a new video-editing programm - so i needed a bit time to get used to it.

but finally i managed to cut a short movie. and well...the movies is finished...but of course there`s a rub in it! i`m trying to upload this shit for 2days and nearly checked out every possability - without success.... but i hope i finally manage to do it somehow!

dear lord! finally it`s done! my video is online! three cheers to googlevideo.
well, what do i have to say...i did everything, filming, riding and editing. especially filming when riding is a bit difficult and there are not so many possible perspectives...but i hope you hold out the whole 3:36min without getting bored. ... 4433&hl=de

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 7:05 pm
by hafte
Wow, I like the overhead view. Very nice. The veiw of the tails is cool also. Nice edit job! I'm impressed.

Are those the skis with the checkered base? Did you like them? They look like fun.


Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 10:34 pm
by G-man

That was one of the best DIY ski vids I've ever seen! I had a huge smile through the whole thing. Everything that you do seems so creative and well done. Thanks for the good time. I'm gonna watch it again right now.


Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 10:54 pm
by bigKam
excellent work! i enjoyed watching it.

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 11:03 pm
by G-man
Hey plywood,

Check it out. Hope you don't mind.


Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 6:06 am
by RoboGeek
pretty cool!! Looks like you gave them a good workout!

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 1:59 pm
by plywood
thanks a lot for the compliments guys!

@hafte: yes, these are the ones with the checkered base (but just on one ski, i was too lazy to do it on both :D). and yes, i really like them a lot. well, there are better things for park riding than a swallowtail, but it works too. but in the pow they are superior to everything i know. i`ve ridden them now a few times, even in powder (wich is kind of rare this season - so i can`t say how they handle if there is really a lot of fresh snow...) so as far as i can judge it they are agile, playful to ride, but at the same time very stable. i tried some smaller straight lines. you just have to lean back a little and the hold the track. so i had to slow down because i was afraid of the speed and not because of any bad attributes of the ski.

yeh, the tailview... i was wondering myself how it would look if the snow floats around the tail, so i taped the cam to my leg. the parts shown in the video are all played at half of the speed.

@g-man: i really do mind. i`m going to take you to court. no seriously: of course i don`t mind! in contrary: it`s a honour for me to hear such a laudation of you, thanks a lot.