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Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 10:43 pm
by Skischmied
Hello Skibuilders,

After two years working on my own homemade skis, it is time to say thank to you!!! Your homepage and the diskussions in the forum helped me a lot to make it real,.. to build my own skis.

It started two years ago and ended up with a big project where all my friends and family members are getting involved. My last winter line you see on my homepage.

Sorry for german, but there are a lot of pictures which say more than words :-)
Actually I work on a new model. I will post pictures when it is ready.

Best regards
Christian from Linz/Austria

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 11:16 pm
by G-man
Hi Christian,

Very nice looking skis. Graphics are nicely done. Great website. Congratulations on your success.

Looking forward to seeing your new model.


Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 11:25 pm
by endre
nice graphics! great looking skis. Have they been skied yet?

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 2:57 am
by Skischmied

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 5:09 am
by plywood
you got some really nice sticks there!
i just had a quick glance through your website and didn`t find the dimensions of these skis - what dimensions do they have?

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 5:58 am
by dbtahoe
I love the jig for the tip/tail spacers. NICE!

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 7:26 am
by collin
I like the metal tip protectors. Any info on how you did that?

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 7:40 am
by shralpster
Those are great! I was able to find the page with the specs: 122-90-115

I see you've made many pairs of that ski with the same graphics. Did you order a sublimated graphic layer or was another method used for graphics?

So many questions! I just got my vacuum pump and I really like the simplicity of your vacuum press mold. If there are any tricky features, please share! What did you use as the top layer of the mold to ensure a good seal and is the plastic sheeting reusable the way you have it set up? ... ien/12.jpg

Oh, and did you nail down your core to make sure you don't get any shifting that would affect the locations of your inserts?

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 10:14 pm
by Skischmied
Hello everybody,

sorry for the late answear, but my job don't let me time to work on my skis.

:: graphics, A friend of mine printed them with a digital printer on it. I am not sure but I think i was a sublimated method.

:: Vacuum, be sure to make the mold 100% leakproof. I did it by glueing a white plastic sheet on it. To get constant pressure at the overall lengh you have to use a fleece like they describe it in all the books about frp-vacuuming. look at side 4 ->

:: position, I did it with a double side sticking tape, and I had a line on the mold which showed me the correct position.

:: metal tip/tail spacer, a friend works in a company which have a laser cutting machine.

Hope that I could help!


New Modell update

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 2:02 am
by Skischmied
Hey out there,

I am proud to present my new prototype. A 100% high speed Powder Gun with dimensions of 143-120-123 and a length of 1900. A long rockered tip and tail. The camber is about 3mm. Inside there is carbon fibre and a nice ash-core.

Can't wait to test it. But at the moment I lie with flue in my bed:-(

Sorry, but dont know how to post a picture.
Here is the link to my homepage:

I wish you all a happy new year with tons of powder!

Re: New Modell update

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 6:39 am
by plywood
looks perfect - as usual! and i fully understand you, i couldn`t wait to get them on snow either.

on the page you linked you wrote something about some sort of fins in the tail, right? i think we all want some pictures of these! ;)

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 9:26 am
by Skischmied
Hey Plywood

You are right! I made two fins for the tail area. But they dont really fit on it. I thought I can easily grind them to the right radius of the tail area. But thats wrong. So I work on a own mould for the fins, which propably need 3 more weeks to finish.
When its ready I will post pictures. But first I just wanna ride!!!


P.S. Your skis also look awesome!

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 8:06 pm
by littleKam
Your skis are so nice! Probably the cleanest and most professional I've seen in a while. Do you care to share any more detail on how the graphics are being done? I know you mentioned that a friend of yours sublimated them? But what is his setup (printer, etc.)? I would love to know. Once again, great craftsmanship! Those fat skis are killer.

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 5:35 am
by breid19
Beautiful skis!!!! Doing this just opened you up to a lot of questions.

What material are you using for a top sheet? There does not seem to be any air bubbles below... sweet finish!

I notice in your pictures that you don't wrap the edge around the tip and tail. I've been thinking of doing this for a while but am unsure how to finish this after its pressed as there will be no steel edge to follow to maintain a symetrical outline. Do you use a jig for finishing the tip and tail or do you just eyeball it?

Do you feel the aluminum tip blocks/bolts are necessary or do you use them for looks only?

I notice you use inserts for naxo bindings what screws are you using and do you have to modfiy them (grind heads down) to make them work. I tried using fritschi bindings with 6mm inserts but have to grind the heads of the bolts down to get them to recess into the binding bevel.

Great skis


Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 6:36 am
by Skischmied
Hey little Kam,
The sublimated method doesn't work anymore, because my friend quited his job. So I had to think about a new method to put graphics on it.
The solution is a kind of ricepaper which is also used by surfboard builders. I put it between the top sheet and the upper glasfibre.

Just print your graphics on it. But be sure to check that the colours are waterproof. Otherwise the epoxyd will dissolve the ink!

The result is a milky-transparency look with graphics on it.

I bought it at r&g -> ... rtid=72250

The Problem it is like a sponge. You need a lot more resin than usual. So more weight. So its not perfect but for this season modells it worked fine.

Hey Bill
The Topsheet is a standard material which is used in the ski industry. It has a removeable sheet on it. Underneath you have the shiny fine surface.

For cutting out the tip and tail i just using a steel template. To fix it I can use the bolts.

The A2 bolts I use because i like the technical look and of course they help against delamination.

The bolts for the bindings I had to modify. Especially the head. I am using M6.

So I hope I could help a little bit more.